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What You Need To Know About Bridesmaid Proposals


What You Need To Know About Bridesmaid Proposals

You’re asking your besties to stand by your side on your big day, which is an honor, so while you shouldn’t sweat every detail, some pre-planning will go a long way.

Pick your squad.

The rule of thumb is to have a maid of honor and a few closest friends, but I think you can do things how YOU want since it’s your big day. I did things my way & went a little unconventional.


It's Wedding SZN with Wedding Favorites


It's Wedding SZN with Wedding Favorites

It’s that time of year, WEDDING SZN!!!!

If you’re heading to an engagement party, a bachelorette, bridal shower or a wedding- I have some ideas for you.

There’s nothing more special than being showered with a customized gift just for you from someone who loves you deeply. @weddingfavorites has you covered. They have the cutest & coolest customizable designs for brides & bridesmaids. I’m truly obsessed:


15 Easy Ways To Save Money on Your Wedding


15 Easy Ways To Save Money on Your Wedding

“Always a bridesmaid, never a bride” actually had it’s perks. Over the years i’ve been in and attended more weddings than I can count. One of the perks of watching so many of my friends walk down the aisle before me is seeing what works and what doesn’t. When it comes to spending $ I’ve seen firsthand when it’s worth it and when it isn’t. I’ve been doing tons and tons of research in my downtime, grabbed a bunch of tips from my friends and many of my followers who’ve said “I do” & we want to save you from making some of the financial mistakes the ladies before you have made. So without further adieu… here they are.


The Beginnings of Wedding Planning: Where do you start?


The Beginnings of Wedding Planning: Where do you start?

It can be so overwhelming of knowing where to start. You have friends who did things one way, another who did it another, your family members and friends in your ear asking about it already- you’re overwhelmed. Well, girlfriend that’s totally ok. I FEEL IT.

That said, I’d like to think there’s ways to make it easier on yourself and with that I AM GOING TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YOU. My plan is to document the shit out of my wedding planning process to EASE it for other brides to be. I have spreadsheets, templates and much more for you & i’ll be sure to share it ALL over the next YEARS.


We’re engaged

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We’re engaged

Wow it feels so surreal saying I have a fiancé, but WOW it’s true. I’ll hold off from boring you all and get straight in to the good stuff… so how’d it happen?

Saturday was like any normal day. We woke up, worked out, made breakfast, went on a walk and lounged around until we had to get ready for the evening. I thought Jeremy and I were heading to grab a drink at a new spot near Zilker Park with our friends Ryan and Bri before grabbing dinner with them nearby.

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Our Holiday Stay in Downtown Dallas at the Sheraton Dallas


Our Holiday Stay in Downtown Dallas at the Sheraton Dallas

Spending the holidays in Dallas this year, we had the best stay at Sheraton Dallas. We were in Dallas to spend time with Jeremy’s family & decided to stay in the heart of town to soak up the long weekend.

If you haven’t been to Dallas, it’s a really fun city with tons to do. I have a running list of new restaurants to try, there’s some really amazing museums, parks & tons of fun events in town. Be sure to check out my instagram guide for an updated list here.


Cascase Ice Sparkling Water


Cascase Ice Sparkling Water

Ok y’all! Let’s take a moment to talk about my favorite sparkling water. Cascade Ice sparkling Water comes in 19 different flavors. They are sugar-free, gluten free, non-GMO & zero calories.

I try my best to always stay hydrated & drink a gallon of water a day, but once I get to lunch time, I want something more than still water. Cascade Ice is the thing I always reach for in my fridge on a hot day & let me tell you there are so many hot days in Texas.


Rosé All Day with Pomelo Wines


Rosé All Day with Pomelo Wines

Sip, sip, rosé! It's that time of the year & things are heating up. The first thing I think of when the weather starts to warm is grabbing a glass of rosé & heading to the pool. I recently picked up a few bottles of #PomeloWines rosé & let's just say I'm obsessed. It's crisp, light & perfect for day drinking.


10 Date Night Ideas in Quarantine Under $20


10 Date Night Ideas in Quarantine Under $20

let’s be real- it’s impossible to not get bored with your partner in quarantine. we are stuck inside (for the most part) and are probably spending more time than ever with our partners. i, for one, hate when i feel like my relationship gets too predictable. another night watching a movie, another night eating our normal meals, another night on the couch.


Holiday Gift Guide: The Home Edit


Holiday Gift Guide: The Home Edit

I am all about getting amazing gifts for friends and family. Things that are tried and true & they will actually use often and absolutely love! Here are some of my favorites for this year, even if it’s last minute, these should do the trick!


What To Do, Where To Eat & Drink in Austin, Texas

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What To Do, Where To Eat & Drink in Austin, Texas

as most of you all know i recently moved to austin, and since i moved here i’ve hit the ground running. i have had so many friends visit, met so many new people and have truly been eating and drinking my way through the city. many people have reached out to me for my tips of what to do when you visit, so i’ll share with you my tip top choices.

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I Love You So Much Austin


I Love You So Much Austin

well, i’ve been here in austin over a month and i’m loving it so far. i want to share my top reasons with you as of now being one month in. it’s been a serious whirlwind, but i’ve learned a lot in a short amount of time…


Flower Power Brunch at Irene's in Austin


Flower Power Brunch at Irene's in Austin

spring is here and that means fun sunday boozy brunches! san francisco is a big brunch city and austin has been no different. there are so many delicious and affordable brunch options here in austin. if you’re ever in town be sure you swing by irene’s for a boozy brunch, the menu is to die for to enjoy with a big group.


A Farewell to San Francisco


A Farewell to San Francisco

WOW! it actually is starting to feel real now. i’m sitting at the airport and it’s starting to hit me. SF is no longer my home. i have a one way ticket to a new place and am going to throw myself in to this new city and eat up all it has to offer (literally and figuratively). san francisco is home and i feel like will always be home, but sometimes life throws you sign after sign that you just cannot ignore.


Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone


Taking Risks & Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

as many of you know i’m taking a chance on myself & moving my life to a new state. i’m sticking with the same company, but switching teams at work supporting our austin team. it’s sort of funny how things fell in to place, but i believe in the quote “trust the timing of your life” more than ever. i’m someone who’s always trusted my gut, but this opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time.


Snacking Boldly with Foster Farms Bold Bites


Snacking Boldly with Foster Farms Bold Bites

is anyone else like me where you wake up motivated & start your day with the healthiest breakfast and lunch, but when you’re on the go throughout the day you run out of healthy options and end up eating junk? i know myself and as silly as it sounds the quote , “if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail” rings so true to me. if i don’t plan out my snacks and my food for the day, it usually takes a downhill turn and i eat junk food. always having healthy snacks on hand has become my saving grace.


Be My Galentine


Be My Galentine

oh valentine’s day, we meet again. i’m not one to hate on valentine’s day, don’t get me wrong i think it’s an amazing day for couples to get together and share their love. i just think me and most of my friends are in a weird space in our lives where it feels weird. there are so many expectations put on valentine’s day, and so many people end up sad or disappointed. that’s by no means how i want anyone to feel on a day that should be filled with love and appreciation.


My Favorite Books Every Boss Babe Needs to Read


My Favorite Books Every Boss Babe Needs to Read

girl, let me tell you- i am all about those inspirational, feel good, feel empowered books that give you the confidence to take on the world. i love reading and feeling inspired. learning from someones story & applying it to my life. with that, i have some suggestions on my favorite non-fiction, get shit done & feel good doing it kinda books. as i pack for vacation i realize how great my line up is!


Tips For Staying On Track When You're Traveling


Tips For Staying On Track When You're Traveling

let’s be real, we’ve all planned a trip at some point and told ourselves we were going to stay healthy while traveling & then get to where we are going and the plans to stay healthy go out the door. well, you aren’t alone. we’ve all been there. i’m heading on a trip in just a few weeks and i have a few little tips that work for me to stay active & not completely go off the rails.

i want to note that i am not a proponent of dieting or having the mindset of “if i workout, then i can eat this or that”. my whole reason for staying on track while traveling is so i don’t feel like crap when i come home. i typically plan to eat more deserts and drink more alcohol, so i just want to make sure i continue to move my body and not eat bad for every meal. as i head to belize this coming week i want to share my tips i live by:
