via Thea: I'm moving to Austin, Texas!

i have an extremly exciting announcement today ! i’m moving (grabs biggest belt buckle and cowboy boots out of my closet), to austin, texas!!! yes, you heard me right. this california native is packing her life up and moving more than 1,500 miles away to the lone star state. i absolutely adore san francisco, it’s been my home for more than 6 years now and it’s been a place where i was able to immensely grow both personally and professionally. in sf i’ve met some of the most amazing human beings and friends i could ever dream of having in my life, i’ve explored all of the best spots the city has to offer & i leave with so much gratitude for this magical place.

a few friends have asked me, “why?” well, i got an amazing opportunity to transfer and relocate with my company on to a new team in one of my favorite cities in the world. moving to this team will give me the experience i’ve been looking for to push me forward in my career & be even better utilized in the organization. it also doesn’t hurt that austin is one of my favorite places i’ve ever visited & i’ve said over and over again if the right opportunity popped up, i’d jump at it. this is just that! who knows, maybe i spoke it in to existence.

my best friend since kindergarten lives in atx as well as my cousin cody. not to mention a bunch of co-workers i worked with for years here in the bay area who’ve transferred to our austin office. things are moving pretty quickly and it’s seriously exciting. at the same time just a little overwhelming to wrap my head around. in just a month and a half i’m going to be on a plane moving my life to my new city!

when i arrive, i’ll be living in corporate housing for a month while looking for the perfect apartment. i can’t tell you how excited i am to apartment hunt and decorate (i’ll surely bring you all along the journey with me). it’s going to be such an amazing experience and i can’t wait to soak in all that texas has to offer. maybe i’ll actually really learn how to line dance? whatever i do when i get there, i know i’m ready for a challenge and a change.

if you have any austin tips or you’re heading to austin soon, hit me up! i’d love any recommendations (i have a google doc). luckily i won’t be completely on my own as i have friends and family there, but i truly think you learn so much about yourself when you take a risk or a leap of faith. i’m just going to go for it!

thank you san francisco for being with me as i grew up, broke up, switched jobs, laughed, cried, explored and made friends that will last a lifetime. i’ll always cherish this city & who knows, maybe one day i’ll be back!

via Thea: I'm Moving To Austin Texas
via Thea: I'm Moving To Austin Texas
via Thea: I'm moving to Austin, Texas!
via Thea: I'm moving to Austin, Texas!
